Habitat management plans and Construction Ecological Management Plans
Habitat Management Plans
Habitat Management Plans can be created to enable the protection, climate resilience and on-going management of habitats. This might include a plan for restoring habitats or creating new habitats (such as wildflower meadow, hedgerow planting, woodland planting etc). Habitat Management Plans can help devise schemes that deliver enhancement in line with national and local planning policy and to compensate (where necessary) ecological loss relating to development.
Construction Ecological Management Plan
The purpose of a Construction Ecological Management Plan (CEMP) and/or a Landscape Ecological Management Plans (LEMP) is to outline how a construction project will avoid, minimise or mitigate effects on the environment and surrounding area.
These plans are often created so that environmental commitments outlined in Environmental Statements, planning conditions, or other legislative requirements are fulfilled.
Construction Ecological Management Plans set out the methods of managing potential environmental impacts arising from the construction.
Most developments will need to demonstrate Biodiversity Net Gain in line with the new Environmental Bill. Mitigation measures vary according to the size of the project and the species or habitats affected.